Insurance Advisory Service

Insurance Advisory Service

Protect you and your family from life’s twists and turns

Life is full of twists and turns that we don’t always see coming. That’s why it’s so important we’re prepared for life’s emergencies. After all, you don’t want to leave it to chance.

Having a financial safety net in the event of an accident, sickness or death of a working age parent will ensure your family is financially protected in such a difficult time.

It will almost always have a significant impact on the financial circumstances of the family, so having the right insurances in place can help protect your family and your income if the unexpected occurs.

Personal Income Protection For Every Stage of Life

No matter what is around the corner, ensuring you have adequate risk protection is a key foundation of any financial plan. As the old adage suggests, “you can’t have wealth creation, without wealth protection”.

At Steel Lake Advisory Services, we provide bespoke advice on the appropriate personal insurance to cover your needs.

Steps to Achieving Income Protection

Our approach to providing an effective insurance plan is to start by discovering your situation and listening and learning to find out what’s most important to you.

In our initial client meeting, we will review your risk protection and determine if there are any gaps between what you need and what you must have to cover yourself. Once your insurances needs are established, we will explore different insurance options to find a suitable insurance product with appropriate level of cover and structure.

Personal insurance can cover you and your family in the event of death, disability, and serious illness. The main types of insurances include:

  • Life insurance and cover
  • Total and Permanent Disability Insurances (TPD)
  • Mortgage protection insurance
  • Trauma/Critical illness
  • Income protection

However, not all insurance is created equal, so it’s important to make sure that the cover you’re paying for will pay you when you need it. The benefit of having a qualified adviser that isn’t affiliated with any product providers, is an appropriate insurance product that is extremely valuable. Particularly at the time of claim, the right insurance policy can be the difference in receiving a claim payment, or not.

Steps to Achieving Income Protection

At Steel Lake Advisory Services, we pride ourselves on listening and having a deep understanding of your financial needs and aspirations. We develop tailored step-by-step financial strategies and help you make informed decisions about your money.

If you are a business owner or self-employed, we can also work with you on tailoring a risk protection plan that considers your unique needs such as business expense insurance.

Looking for Life Insurance Advice? Reach out to our Financial Advisors and Protect You and Your Family Today.

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In 15 minutes we can get to know you – your situation, goals and needs to see if we are the right fit to help you reach your potential.